Friday, September 28, 2018


Yes, as predicted, the most brutal of hits to $TSLA stock since I first bought it comes today after the announcement of the lawsuit against Elon from SEC.

I don't want to play conspiracy theorist too quickly, but there's something really fishy about this whole ordeal.

The Timing
This at the end of the third quarter, and anticipated to be Tesla's most significant quarter to date in the history of their company. Profitability, accolades on performance, manufacturing and delivery milestones. One of my Facebook buddies said it best:

The Expediency
How is such an investigation so quickly started, resolved, and pasted all over the public news streams? Within one week? Really?

The Hypocrisy
Yes, that's a strong word. But it seems that there was a 2008 market crash, that there seemed to be clear investment criminals involved, and they weren't indicted or even penalized? What's that about?

Yes, clearly I'm upset over all this. But I'm also upset because...

...I WISH I HAD AVAILABLE US FUNDS TO PURCHASE $TSLA TODAY!! This is a huge opportunity before the Quarter 3 report, which will likely send the share prices back up.

As promised, here's my positions today:

As of September 28, 2018 closing

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